Aranda | South Africa


The word Sabole means sword and is the inspiration behind this design.

Bacha ba Lesotho mona ba na le moetlo puong ea bona oa ho hatisa (emphasize) taba. Puo eo ke ho “Foka sabole”, mohlala, ha u etsa hantle haholo u foka sabole, le ha u etsa hampe haholo u foka sabole.
Lepetjo la moetlo ona ke: motho o hooa, “Sabole!” ba mo arabang ba re,“Ha e fokoe!”

This Sebole blanket is inspired by the strength, power, love endurance my mother showed while raising my two siblings and I as a single parent. we are decent adults that stand on her shoulders. 
-the bottom dark part is the base
-the wings above it represents propelling support
-the halves of a heart on the side represent love and protection
-the leaves in the middle represent a bright and fruitful future that is nurtured by LOVE, SUPPORT, PROTECTION AND ENDURANCE.

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